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If you need assistance with the online form, please phone the NorVA Centre at (204) 687-4237 or email



Artwork Submissions

  • Artists may enter up to three (3) artworks PER CATEGORY.

  • Artists may enter a maximum of six (6) artworks in total.

How many artworks, in total, are you entering as of right now?


Entry #1 (required)

Entry #1 - Select the CATEGORY.
Entry #1 - How does your artwork hang on the wall or how can it be displayed? NO SAWTOOTH HANGERS ALLOWED.
It has hanging wire on the back.
It's a tapestry/quilt, or it hangs from a dowel/bar that has string on it.
It's pottery, sculpture or 3D artwork. Please set it on table.
OTHER - Please email to describe your artwork so that we can properly display it.
Entry #1 - THEME AWARD - Does this entry fit this year's theme, "LORE"?
Yes, I think it does!


Entry #2 (if applicable)

If you are only entering 1 artwork, please skip to the bottom of the form. If entering multiple artworks, please provide necessary info for each one.

Entry #2 - Select the CATEGORY.
Entry #2 - How does your artwork hang on the wall or how can it be displayed? NO SAWTOOTH HANGERS ALLOWED.
It has hanging wire on the back.
It's a tapestry/quilt, or it hangs from a dowel/bar that has string on it.
It's pottery, sculpture or 3D artwork. Please set it on table.
OTHER - Please email to describe your artwork so that we can properly display it.
Entry #2 - THEME AWARD - Does this entry fit this year's theme, "LORE"?
Yes, I think it does!


Entry #3 (if applicable)

Entry #3 - Select the CATEGORY.
Entry #3 - How does your artwork hang on the wall or how can it be displayed? NO SAWTOOTH HANGERS ALLOWED.
It has hanging wire on the back.
It's a tapestry/quilt, or it hangs from a dowel/bar that has string on it.
It's pottery, sculpture or 3D artwork. Please set it on table.
OTHER - Please email to describe your artwork so that we can properly display it.
Entry #3 - THEME AWARD - Does this entry fit this year's theme, "LORE"?
Yes, I think it does!


Entry #4 (if applicable)

Entry #4 - Select the CATEGORY.
Entry #4 - How does your artwork hang on the wall or how can it be displayed? NO SAWTOOTH HANGERS ALLOWED.
It has hanging wire on the back.
It's a tapestry/quilt, or it hangs from a dowel/bar that has string on it.
It's pottery, sculpture or 3D artwork. Please set it on table.
OTHER - Please email to describe your artwork so that we can properly display it.
Entry #4 - THEME AWARD - Does this entry fit this year's theme, "LORE"?
Yes, I think it does!


Entry #5 (if applicable)

Entry #5 - Select the CATEGORY.
Entry #5 - How does your artwork hang on the wall or how can it be displayed? NO SAWTOOTH HANGERS ALLOWED.
It has hanging wire on the back.
It's a tapestry/quilt, or it hangs from a dowel/bar that has string on it.
It's pottery, sculpture or 3D artwork. Please set it on table.
OTHER - Please email to describe your artwork so that we can properly display it.
Entry #5 - THEME AWARD - Does this entry fit this year's theme, "LORE"?
Yes, I think it does!


Entry #6 (if applicable)

Entry #6 - Select the CATEGORY.
Entry #6 - How does your artwork hang on the wall or how can it be displayed? NO SAWTOOTH HANGERS ALLOWED.
It has hanging wire on the back.
It's a tapestry/quilt, or it hangs from a dowel/bar that has string on it.
It's pottery, sculpture or 3D artwork. Please set it on table.
OTHER - Please email to describe your artwork so that we can properly display it.
Entry #6 - THEME AWARD - Does this entry fit this year's theme, "LORE"?
Yes, I think it does!


Payment Options: $20 per artwork

For example, if you are entering 3 artworks, you need to pay $60. The fees help off-set the cost of hosting the Show. Thank you for participating!


Send to

Make the security question: What province is the NJAS in?

Password: Manitoba

Please add your NAME and # OF ARTWORKS in message box.

Cheques are payable to:


Box 933 STN MAIN

Flin Flon, MB R8A 1N7

Please select how you will pay.
I will send an e-transfer.
I will mail a cheque.


Opening Reception RSVP

The NJAS Opening Reception will be held at 7:30pm on Thursday, April 10 at the Flin Flon Community Hall. Doors open at 7:00 pm.

Do you plan to attend the Opening Reception?


The rules and terms for entering the Northern Juried Art Show are listed in the PDF Info Booklet. You can find the booklet on the home page.

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